How Sales as a Service Measures the ROI of Integration?


In today’s fast-paced business environment, sales teams are under immense pressure to deliver results. To stay competitive, many organisations are turning to Sales as a Service (SaaS) to optimise their sales processes and drive revenue growth. SaaS offers a flexible and scalable solution that can help businesses of all sizes achieve their sales goals. It is also known as Sales Outsourcing, involves partnering with a third-party provider to handle various sales functions, such as lead generation, sales development, lead qualification, and even closing deals.

Components of Sales as a Service

Lead Generation and Qualification: Sourcing and identifying potential leads Qualifying leads based on predetermined criteria Nurturing leads through targeted marketing campaigns

Sales Development: Reaching out to prospects and building relationships Scheduling meetings and demos Providing product information and addressing inquiries.

Sales Presentations: Developing compelling sales presentations tailored to specific prospects delivering effective presentations to showcase product value.

Negotiations and Closing: Negotiating terms and conditions of deals closing deals and securing contracts

Customer Onboarding: Guiding new customers through the implementation process Providing training and support.

Account Management: Building and maintaining strong relationships with existing customers Identifying upselling and cross-selling opportunities Providing ongoing support and assistance

Sales Analytics: Tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) Analysing sales data to identify trends and areas for improvement Providing insights for optimization

sales as a service

Measuring the ROI of Sales as a Service

Sales Pipeline Growth: Tracking the number of leads generated by the SaaS provider is crucial. However, it’s equally important to assess the quality of these leads. Are they qualified and likely to convert into customers? By analysing both quantity and quality, businesses can gauge the effectiveness of the lead generation efforts.

Conversion Rates: Measuring the percentage of leads that convert into customers provides insight into the sales team’s efficiency. High conversion rates indicate a well-targeted lead generation strategy and effective sales processes. Tracking conversion rates at different stages of the sales funnel can help identify areas for improvement.


Sales Cycle Length: Analysing the duration of the sales process from initial contact to closing the deal is essential. A shorter sales cycle indicates efficient sales operations and a streamlined process. SaaS providers that can reduce sales cycle length contribute significantly to revenue growth.

Average Deal Size: Tracking the average revenue generated per deal helps assess the sales team’s ability to close larger deals. An increase in average deal size indicates successful upselling or cross-selling efforts. Analysing the factors influencing deal size can provide valuable insights into sales strategies.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): Comparing the cost of acquiring customers through the SaaS provider to the cost of acquiring customers through in-house sales efforts is crucial. A lower CAC indicates a more efficient customer acquisition process. Tracking CAC over time helps evaluate the ROI of the SaaS partnership.

Sales Revenue: Ultimately, the impact of a SaaS partnership is reflected in increased sales revenue. Tracking overall sales revenue and attributing a portion of it to the SaaS provider’s efforts provides a clear picture of the financial benefits.

Customer Satisfaction: While primarily a customer success metric, customer satisfaction also impacts sales performance. Happy customers are more likely to become repeat customers and refer to new business. Tracking customer satisfaction with the sales process provides valuable feedback for improvement.

Attribution Modeling

Single-Touch Attribution: Assigns credit for a sale to the last interaction before the purchase.

Multi-Touch Attribution: Distributes credit for a sale across multiple touchpoints, providing a more accurate picture of the customer journey.

Custom Attribution Models: Develop custom attribution models based on your specific business needs and data.



Our Sales as a Service solutions are designed to deliver measurable results. Our focus on data-driven strategies and performance analytics empowers our clients to track key metrics and optimise their sales processes. By partnering with Swivelt, businesses can gain access to the tools and expertise needed to achieve their sales goals.

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