6 Tips for Improving Employee Engagement Through Performance Management


Performance management is often viewed as a strategic tool for driving business success. However, when executed effectively, it can be a powerful catalyst for boosting employee engagement, fostering a positive work culture, and achieving organisational goals. At Swivelt, we believe that performance management should be a collaborative process that not only assesses employee contributions but also empowers them to grow and develop within the company. By aligning performance goals with overall business objectives, organisations can create a dynamic environment where employees feel valued, motivated, and engaged. This holistic approach to performance management can lead to sustained business growth and a more resilient workforce.

performance management

The key strategies to transform your performance management 

1. Make it a Continuous Process

Traditional annual performance reviews are becoming increasingly outdated. Instead, embrace a continuous feedback approach. Regular check-ins, informal conversations, and real-time feedback foster open communication and allow employees to track their progress throughout the year. Swivelt’s performance management platform enables seamless communication and feedback sharing, making it easy to maintain a constant dialogue.

2. Focus on Development, Not Just Performance

While performance evaluation is crucial, it’s equally important to prioritise employee growth and development. By setting clear development goals and providing opportunities for learning and advancement, you demonstrate a genuine commitment to your employees’ success. Swivelt’s platform offers robust tools for identifying development needs, creating personalised growth plans, and tracking progress.

3. Set Clear Expectations and Goals

Employees thrive when they have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities. By setting clear, achievable, and measurable goals, you provide employees with a sense of direction and purpose. Swivelt’s goal-setting features help you align individual objectives with organisational strategies, ensuring everyone is working towards a common vision.

4. Recognize and Reward Achievements

Employee recognition is a powerful motivator. By acknowledging and appreciating employees’ contributions, you foster a positive work environment and boost morale. Swivelt’s platform offers various recognition tools, such as peer-to-peer recognition, award programs, and public appreciation, to celebrate employee successes.

5. Encourage Two-Way Feedback

Performance management should be a collaborative process. By encouraging open and honest feedback from both managers and employees, you create a culture of trust and transparency. Regular two-way communication allows for the identification of potential issues early on and provides opportunities for real-time adjustments and improvements. Swivelt’s platform provides a safe and secure space for employees to share their thoughts and ideas, ensuring their voices are heard and valued. This approach not only empowers employees but also helps managers make informed decisions that enhance team performance and align with the company’s objectives. By fostering an environment where feedback is a continuous dialogue, organisations can drive greater engagement and achieve more meaningful outcomes.

6. Align Performance Management with Company Values

To truly maximise the impact of performance management, it’s essential to align it with your company’s core values. By demonstrating how individual contributions contribute to the overall organisational goals, you create a sense of purpose and meaning. Swivelt’s platform can help you integrate your company values into the performance management process, ensuring that everyone is working towards a shared vision.

employee performance

By implementing these six strategies and leveraging the power of a robust performance management platform like Swivelt, you can transform your performance management process into a driving force for employee engagement and business success. Remember, performance management is not just about evaluating employees, it’s about empowering them to reach their full potential.


Effective performance management is essential for driving employee engagement, fostering a positive work culture, and achieving organisational goals. By shifting the focus from annual reviews to continuous feedback, development, and recognition, you can create a performance management process that empowers employees and drives business success. Swivelt’s performance management platform provides the tools and support you need to transform your approach and achieve outstanding results.

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