4 Ways Smart Tools Can Increase Your Productivity

It can be challenging keeping on top of reviews, reporting, tying up loose ends on projects and tasks plus managing extra end-of-year obligations.

Digital task management tools can help you be more efficient and simplify daily task management to keep you focused on smashing your productivity goals. Here’s a pro tip:  Look out for smart tools with intuitive and enjoyable UIs with solid self-serve onboarding materials. These tools will make it easy for teams, irrespective of technical abilities, to use, flatten the learning curve and shorten the time to being productive.

1. Get tasks checked off your to-do list.

How effective is your to-do list? Digital to-do lists have several advantages over paper. It’s easy to edit, has built-in reminders, plus you can sort them by priority and assign tasks to anyone in your organization, and get notified when it’s complete. A great excuse to finally ditch those sticky notes. 

2. Focus on your priorities.

As the year reaches a close, plan, delegate, and identify projects you can focus on with renewed energy in the coming year. Effective project management tools are key when it comes to synchronizing information across platforms. You use project timelines and other visual tools to draw clear distinctions and lighten your load. 

3. Inject a little fun – employees deserve it!

Some of today’s top businesses are implementing various “gamification” strategies to improve employee morale and the focus of their workforce. The best part? It’s working! You could work out player profiles, each with different expectations: finishes the game, explore it, enjoy a fun experience with other players, or play better than others and keep beating one’s personal best. Your employee performance platform can be set up to introduce gamification with different motivation levels:  

  • points = gratification
  • levels, progress bars = status
  • challenges = completion
  • badges = recognition
  • rankings = competition

4. Strike up a conversation.

With the holiday fever kicking in, virtual chat rooms are great to discuss year-end parties or get quick answers to your queries without the need for those endless email threads. Got a year-end review coming up? Your employee collaboration space can double up as a feedback and suggestion tool for peer and group reviews with the extra ability to share tips, documents, and comments. What better way to keep teams connected in a work-from-anywhere world?

Future proof your business with iStrives by Swivelt and implement game-changing smart tools tools that enable employees to work, communicate, collaborate and get rewarded from anywhere with ease. 

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