Why Your Company Needs a Single View Business Tool

Every Company Needs a Single View Business Tool

One of the issues that companies face today, despite the size of their business, is to keep track of all the goals and metrics across all parts of the organization with a single view business tool. Not having all the right information about your entire business at your fingertips can be extremely frustrating and will result in missed opportunities and performance. 

It is not easy to collect data from various sources manually, and there is always a risk of human error throughout the process. So, why invest time and resources in driving an ineffective, incomplete and tedious process? Do you want to stay ahead of the game and maintain a competitive edge? 

Single View is the Key to your success! 

Your organization will benefit from amplifying Business Intelligence (BI) initiatives and investing in an Automated Single View that provides a visual representation of your business performance. When done right, you will have a powerful tool that feeds your decision-making process and simplifies the management of your business.  

Here are the three key benefits on what a Single View can do for your business:  

1. Automated Data to provide good data integrity.

Many businesses often rely on their dashboards without realizing that data could be out of date or inaccurate. If you plan on using your single view dashboard as a decision-making tool, then automating your data with structured data validation approach is the right way to go. Not only will this ensure data accuracy at all times, but it will provide trustworthy real-time insights that allow you to make well-informed business decisions. 

2. Identifies weaknesses of the business.

Single view is a powerful tool to improve your business management. It simplifies the monitor and track of activities and outcomes across the whole business and enables leaders to take necessary and appropriate action with confidence. In addition, it can be designed to be your early warning system so that you can receive indications and insights on performances and risks that could negatively impact your business objectives. 

3. Display of Metrics and Customization

Many companies make the mistake of cluttering up their dashboards. Although your dashboard might look visually pleasing it won’t necessarily lead to any action. A good design is like a good metric, it fills your dashboard with actionable intelligence rather than just pretty charts.   

Modern dashboards give you the flexibility to customize your view to your business. For an effective single view dashboard, create a tailored and prioritized visual presentation with actionable metrics. Allow the business user the ability to select which data is important to display and drill down to the detail needed to make the right decision.  

Stay ahead of your competitors and use an effective Single View to drive great outcomes.  

Swivelt uses iStrives to get an accurate and holistic single view across the whole business, provide a tailored interaction to fit the needs of every individual and ensure a common view and understanding of all the key business objectives. This makes our predictive analytics incredibly powerful! 

iStrives can enhance all parts of your business from Sales to operations with an accurate and efficient Single View strategy. If you’re interested to learn how iStrives can help your organization, head over to iStrives.com for a free trial or book a demo. 

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